
JikaAndatidakdapatmenemukannegaraataudaerahtempatperangkatdibeli,hubungidistribusilokalAnda.Berikutnya.TidakyakinapakahCariperangkattelah ...,UnlockYourMiDevice.Afteryouunlockthedevice,itwillbecomelesssecure.Yourpersonaldatamightbeleakedorlost.UnlockNow.LogininXiaomiIDon ...,解鎖設備幫助.輸入當前解鎖編號或IMEI.如何獲取解鎖編號.您在哪個國家/地區購得此設備?請選擇,中國,香港(中國),臺灣(中國),...

Kirim permohonan buka kunci

Jika Anda tidak dapat menemukan negara atau daerah tempat perangkat dibeli, hubungi distribusi lokal Anda. Berikutnya. Tidak yakin apakah Cari perangkat telah ...

Apply for unlocking Mi devices

Unlock Your Mi Device. After you unlock the device, it will become less secure. Your personal data might be leaked or lost. Unlock Now. Login in Xiaomi ID on ...


解鎖設備幫助. 輸入當前解鎖編號或IMEI. 如何獲取解鎖編號. 您在哪個國家/地區購得此設備? 請選擇, 中國, 香港(中國), 臺灣(中國), 印度尼西亚, 緬甸, 俄羅斯. 其它 ...

How can I unlock my device by submitting an appeal?

Visit i.mi.com/ss in your web browser. · Submit all the items required for the appeal and wait for the results. · You'll be notified about the results by email ...

Enter unlock number or IMEI

Enter unlock number or IMEI. How to get an unlock number. Where did you purchase this device? Select, China, Hong Kong (China), Taiwan (China), Indonesia ...

Xiaomi Cloud

ป้อนหมายเลขปลดล็อคหรือ IMEI. วิธีรับหมายเลขปลดล็อค. คุณซื้ออุปกรณ์นี้ที่ไหน. เลือก, จีน, ฮ่องกง (จีน), ไต้หวัน (จีน) ...

Xiaomi Global Home

Whether the phone can be unlocked or not depends on the final check performed by after-sales center on info/ materials and device. Unlock BL Lock